LG Vs. Samsung Refrigerators – A Detailed Comparison Guide

Ever been in a dilemma when choosing between LG and Samsung refrigerators? These two refrigerator models offer excellent features, lovely models, remarkable designs, and more. But is there any significant difference between the two? Is there any superior feature in either brand? Let’s talk about LG vs. Samsung refrigerators to identify their differences.

LG refrigerators are similar to Samsung refrigerators, especially regarding functionality and designs. These two refrigerator models are the most competitive brands available in the market today.

Now, with the great features these two brands offer, choosing between them may be challenging. We’ve compiled detailed comparison info for LG and Samsung refrigerators to assist with your decision-making. We will pinpoint their unique features, similarities, drawbacks, and so on.

Samsung & LG: A Brief Rundown 

Before we look into LG vs. Samsung refrigerators, we must have an idea about each brand more generally. So, let’s take a brief look at these two fascinating brands.

The brand Samsung has been in existence for a long time (over 80 years), and it’s a South Korean Company. Samsung is one of the world’s biggest and most successful producers of electronic devices. Some examples of Samsung products include TV sets, refrigerators, wall ovens, washing machines, mobile phones, and more.

Samsung fridges have outstanding design and construction. With the incredible innovation of the Samsung refrigerator, you can enjoy standard quality, sleek design, reliability, and unique features.

LG is also a South Korean company that has existed for over 60 years, and the company has been offering top-notch goods to its users. LG offers several home and kitchen appliances that can give you a seamless lifestyle. Examples of LG appliances include Television sets, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, and so on.

LG refrigerators are the only rival that is fit enough to compete with Samsung refrigerators. You can also enjoy the great features of this product thanks to its remarkable innovation.

LG Vs. Samsung Refrigerators: Detailed Comparison 

The truth is that both LG and Samsung refrigerators are fantastic brands. However, if you want to know which brand wins the battle concerning the best refrigerator, we must look deep into their unique features.

Now, how every feature of each brand suits your needs will mainly determine which one comes out on top. You will also get some good recommendations from us just to further assist you in your decision-making. So, once we have differentiated the two leading brands, you can easily decide which is best for you.

Unique Features

Now, let’s take a closer look at each brand’s unique features.

  • LG – Insta-view Door

LG fridge is pretty innovative, and the brand has some unique features. Their distinctive features include ‘LoDecibel’ Operation, Smart Diagnosis, an ‘insta-view’ door, and more. We like this ‘insta-view’ door because the glass panel lights up the fridge interior with two quick knocks, allowing us to see through into our refrigerator without even opening it.

Another fascinating feature is the auto door open, which opens the door once you step in front of the fridge. LG also features the ‘SmartThinQ’ technology for remote refrigerator management.

  • Samsung – Flexzone Technology

There are so many remarkable features to the Samsung refrigerator. ‘Flexzone’ technology allows you to push a button to convert the freezer to fridge mode and vice versa. Then it has this metal cooling service that helps regulate the temperature inside the refrigerator.

Furthermore, you can enjoy the touchscreen door feature, notifications, voice control, and more.

Door Models 

The configuration of the refrigerator’s door is another essential feature to look into. Both LG refrigerator models and Samsung models offer different innovative door configurations.

The standard LG door configuration includes a French door, a Top freezer, a side-by-side door, a bottom freezer, a single-door freezer, and so on.

For Samsung, the door configurations include a French door, side-by-side door, 4-door flex, 4-door French door, bottom mount freezer, and more. 

Now, for door-in-door configuration, Samsung and LG provide a smaller door at the front of the refrigerator. So, this can hold all your essentials, and you won’t need to open the whole fridge and lose cold air.

However, with these various features, Samsung still takes the lead in its design. Also, regarding user convenience, the Samsung fridge provides more spacious refrigerators. Furthermore, Samsung offers a ‘FlexZone’ technology that converts the freezer into a fridge and vice versa.

Connectivity Options

The good thing about the connectivity option is that both Samsung and LG have refrigerators that allow you to connect to your mobile phone with the help of a WiFi connection. So, both brands have things that are new and different. You should know that these high-end services come with high prices. Also, only the Samsung Family Hub Series can use this service.

Now, the Family Hub Series is WiFi and Bixby enabled for the Samsung brand. This simply means you can enjoy the service of paring your fridge with your Smartphone and keep an eye on your refrigerator with the app. You may even be lucky to get the one with built-in cameras.

This Family Hub Series enables you to electronically add notes, stream videos or music, and even monitor your grocery list for easy shopping.

Then for LG, it gives a more modern experience and convenient features. I, for one, like the door configuration that lets us see through our fridge with a quick knock. So, you won’t lose any cold air because there’s no need to open your fridge to check if you’re running out of milk or if you have any wine left.

LG also features this display that shows the internal temperature of your fridge front and center. So, this guarantees your food is being refrigerated at the appropriate temperature, which ensures good food preservation.

Counter-Depth and Full-Depth Models

Both Samsung and LG brands offer counter-depth models and full-depth refrigerators. For counter-depth models, this refrigerator is designed to easily accommodate the cabinet space. So, this gives you a seamless finish. Then the full-depth option tends to protrude from the cabinet. So, this usually makes it hard for kitchen cabinet designers to attain a custom and seamless look.

Price Comparison

Both LG and Samsung do have an extensive price range. But you can still find a lower or more affordable price range with a Samsung fridge.

Check out this Samsung Smart Side-by-Side Refrigerator for less than $1,500.

And LG’s Door-in-door Refrigerator for almost the same amount.

You can get a quality Samsung fridge for under $1,000. On the other hand, LG’s price range is a bit narrower, which means you may not find much difference between the highest and lowest prices. To purchase a full-sized LG fridge, you may need to budget around $1,500.

However, both Samsung and LG brands can go as high as $7,000. And you can find many models of both LG and Samsung refrigerators with the price range of $3,000 and $4000.

Cooling System Mechanisms

Refrigerators are essential kitchen appliances that offer excellent preseveration to our food items. You get a different selection of cooling options with each brand.

The various cooling options available for LG are linear, intelligent, and door cooling. Here is how the cooling system works: from the ducts at the top of the refrigerator, the ‘FRESHShield’ cooling system emits cool air.

So, this process generates a cool-air barrier that keeps the inner box at a constant temperature. The door cooling system helps maintain an even temperature in the box interior. Now, this assists in minimizing the temperature between the inner end of the refrigerator and the door part.

On the other hand, Samsung supplies three cooling options: twin cooling, twin cooling plus, and triple cooling. Samsung’s twin cooling plus technology uses a double compressor and triple evaporator to enhance cooling function. The majority of refrigerator brands, as of today, have the twin cooling technology. However, refrigerators with triple cooling performance are only available in high-end refrigerators.

Energy Efficiency

Both Samsung and LG refrigerator brands have similar functionality. Therefore, both brands are efficient, and most refrigerators can save unnecessary energy costs.

Now, out of a possible 91 refrigerators, LG has about 69 refrigerators that are ‘energy star certified.’ On the other hand, Samsung has 55 refrigerators (out of a possible 66) that are energy star certified. Therefore, this seemingly makes Samsung refrigerators more energy efficient than LG refrigerators on the whole.

LG Linear Compressor vs. Samsung Digital Inverter: Technology Review

Comparing the advanced technology used, the Samsung digital inverter has the edge over the LG linear compressor. Although a linear compressor tends to work smarter with improved durability, there are issues related to a linear compressor. A significant problem is the tubing evaporator, which works in conjunction with the compressor.

But you can reset the linear compressor by simply unplugging the unit or tripping the circuit breaker for half a minute, and this will rejuvenate the compressor to begin cooling within 24 hours once you hear that kickback sound.

Then for Samsung, they feature a digital inverter that helps regulate temperature. This makes some adjustments to the RPM speed by lowering its motor just to help minimize noise. The digital inverter is 40 percent more efficient than a conventional compressor.

However, there is a downside to this compressor which is its contribution to global warming because it releases more greenhouse gas.


1. Which is the best refrigerator brand– Samsung or LG?

Both LG and Samsung are remarkable refrigerator brands you can choose from, and the two brands are even very similar in their style and functionality. However, when we talk about innovation, LG takes the lead. However, Samsung is top-notch when it comes to design.

You should note that both LG and Samsung use different techniques; Samsung uses a digital inverter, whereas LG uses a linear compressor. But generally, we recommend you choose the brand that suits your personal needs.

2. What makes Samsung better than LG?

The handle-less design Samsung offers provides more space compared to LG. Also, the Samsung refrigerator uses a digital inverter and twin cooling system that controls the fridge and freezer independently with different evaporators.

There is also the feature of FlexZone technology in Samsung that converts the fridge to a freezer and vice versa. More features include voice control, notifications, and a touchscreen door.

3. What makes LG better than Samsung?

You enjoy high-quality user convenience with LG. LG’s linear compressor helps make our food fresh for extended periods, and the LG fridge also generates spherical craft ice that lasts longer than Samsung.

More features include an ‘insta-view’ door that enables us to see through inside our fridge with just a quick knock. It also offers intelligent diagnosis, LoDecibel operations, an auto door open feature, and remote fridge management using Smart ThinQ technology.

LG vs. Samsung Refrigerators: Our Recommendation

We recommend you go for the LG brand for a modern-feel refrigerator option. The unique feature of simply knocking to view the fridge’s interior gives it more sophistication than the friendly Samsung Family Hub.

Then if you’re looking for affordability, we suggest you invest in Samsung refrigerators. Although just like LG, Samsung can come at a high price. But you can still get a lower or affordably-priced Samsung fridge.

Another thing is that if you’re looking for extra features like an ice maker, or water dispenser, then Samsung is most likely a better option.

All in all, both LG and Samsung are spectacular models that keep making innovative appliances as well as new appliances. Therefore, no matter your option, both LG and Samsung will offer you sleek design and top-notch service. 

LG Vs. Samsung Refrigerators: Bottom Line 

When choosing between LG vs. Samsung refrigerators, there are a few things to remember. The winner of this comparison will mainly be determined by you. So, you should first consider the more important features. Once you’ve gone through all the cool features of these top brands, you can then compare the models and decide.

So, ultimately, when it comes to comparing LG vs. Samsung refrigerators, the decision boils down to your personal needs and preferences.

With that said, we hope you can now make a good decision about which brand to pick. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.